As luck would have it, at the time I was feeling really good about my fitness, I slipped and twisted my foot while returning home from work. Somehow managed to pass the night with ibuprofen and ice packs and next day went for an X-Ray. And found that I had a fracture of left metatarsal!
All my exercise plans went out the window. For 6 weeks I was using crutches and hobbling on one leg most part of the day. That made me so tired that after work I would invariably indulge in high calorie food. So instead of losing 6 pounds and leaving obese category, I was firmly back in it. I gained almost 8 pounds during this period and that led to more emotional eating and more weight gain - the proverbial downward spiral!
After the cast was removed, I still couldn't walk as much or as fast because the injury had left my muscles also weak. So I had to build the strength back slowly. Falling off the wagon is common and it's hard to get up and dust yourself and climb back on it. But hardest is to manage the fear of falling again because you remember how hard it was to get back on it and you are constantly worried about falling off it again!
While I was back on a healthier diet, the lack of exercise proved to be a dampener and after I lost those 8 pounds that I had gained back, I plateaued. I think it was because the 1000 calorie diet that I had designed allowed only certain foods in certain quantities. This restriction on types of food I should eat was not feasible in the long run and I had started eating other foods as well. Since I had no easy way of measuring calories of these other foods, over time my intake and output equaled resulting in the weight getting stuck.
In frustration I joined a slimming clinic - where they wrap you in heated pads, give you some strange treatments like tapping and ofcourse massages (those I loved :) ). However I found that there is really no easy way to lose weight and get fit because the clinic also designed a diet for me and expected me to exercise atleast 5 days a week.
Initially I saw my body getting toned but weight-loss didn't happen. I started dreading the visits to clinic because if your weight pre-treatment was up by even 3 ounces over the post-treatment weight of last visit, you were denied treatment that day. Since this was a time-bound program, every day lost was coming out of the money you had already paid. As the program period drew to close, I knew I was never coming back to this clinic or any other for that matter. I, however, was still stuck and didn't know what to do about it!
While I was back on a healthier diet, the lack of exercise proved to be a dampener and after I lost those 8 pounds that I had gained back, I plateaued. I think it was because the 1000 calorie diet that I had designed allowed only certain foods in certain quantities. This restriction on types of food I should eat was not feasible in the long run and I had started eating other foods as well. Since I had no easy way of measuring calories of these other foods, over time my intake and output equaled resulting in the weight getting stuck.
In frustration I joined a slimming clinic - where they wrap you in heated pads, give you some strange treatments like tapping and ofcourse massages (those I loved :) ). However I found that there is really no easy way to lose weight and get fit because the clinic also designed a diet for me and expected me to exercise atleast 5 days a week.
Initially I saw my body getting toned but weight-loss didn't happen. I started dreading the visits to clinic because if your weight pre-treatment was up by even 3 ounces over the post-treatment weight of last visit, you were denied treatment that day. Since this was a time-bound program, every day lost was coming out of the money you had already paid. As the program period drew to close, I knew I was never coming back to this clinic or any other for that matter. I, however, was still stuck and didn't know what to do about it!
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