Dec 6, 2014

Insanity Plyometric Cardio

Weeks 1 through 4 have a standard warm up routine - seven 30 second exercises repeated twice, without break - total 10.5 minutes of warm up. First 3.5 minutes is truly the warm up, then you start to pick up pace second time and by third time you are expected to do exercises the fastest you can. After this long warm up is about  6-7 minutes stretching routine and then the fun begins!

Plyometric Cardio is the first workout after Fit Test. After warm up and stretching, you start with interval workouts. Each interval is 2 minutes long and comprises of 4 exercises done for 30 seconds each time and after each interval is a 30 second break (you really earn it!) You repeat each interval twice - so total 6 minutes in each set  and there are 2 such sets. Adding another 1.5-2 minutes of workout done at the end of each set, the main workout time is 28 minutes. Rest is stretching and 30 second water/ rest  breaks. 

Just to give you an idea of what kind of exercises these intervals involve, let me detail the sequences here:

You start first interval with Suicide Drills, (You run to the side, touch the floor, run back to the opposite side, touch the floor, etc.) Then come Power Jacks -- essentially jumping jacks with deep squats thrown in. Mountain Climbers are next, and then Ski Jumps. Only then do you get a 30-second water break. You repeat the sequence again, but faster. And then again, and faster still. The first round ends with a few additional moves: Switch Feet and Football Sprints.

Next interval has Basketball Jumps, Level 1 Drills (which involve dropping down into plank position, doing push ups, cranking out some plank runs, and then jumping back up), Ski Abs (stay in plank position, and jump your feet together up to the left side, then back, then to the right side), and In-Out Abs (same as Ski Abs, but jump forward while keeping your hands planted in plank position). This circuit is also repeated three times, with some additional moves at the end: Jabs, Cross-Jacks, Uppercuts, and something called "Attack". 

After this you move into a series of stretches to finish the workout.

First time you do this workout, you will wonder if you are truly insane, especially if you haven't done any kind of interval training before. But the 30 second breaks are extremely helpful and help you get through without throwing the towel in the middle of it. And trust me when I say it, the workout does get easier with time and you start to push yourself more. This happens to be the first workout of the first week and can truly shock you. But as you get through the week, the shock and the soreness starts to wear off and you start getting used to Shaun T's crazy workouts!

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